Paweł Czapiewski

AI & Quality Consultant at Sii Poland, Embedded Competency Center

Ścieżka: AI / Data


Warto wiedzieć:

Jak rozwiązać problem głodu na ziemi? Może nauczyć sztuczną inteligencję hodować rośliny? Jak działa algorytm uczenia z wzmocnieniem, który mógłby zadziałać w tym przypadku? Omówiony zostanie przypadek użycia tego algorytmu i omówiona zasada działania.


Has several years of commercial experience in numerous projects as a software developer and tester with the following languages: Java, C, C++, C#, and Python. He was leading several teams of developer and software tester. His main focus now in the software development projects utilizing the machine learning algorithms including supervised and reinforcement learning.  He is also contributing in project for Next-GENeration IoT sOlutions for the Universal Supply chain
He also has experience in conducting numerous training, e.g. weekend sessions for Sii employees (including ISTQB Foundation Level, Android Architecture for Testers, Introduction to Machine Learning, various workshops from Programing in Python, C# and C++), running Geek Academy – a series of training for novice IT adepts.
He has conducted lectures for IT students from the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Gdansk.
Currently involved in the project as a Consultant in the embedded application and machine learning.
